What is the future research assessment program?


Research England is in favour of maintaining a top-notch, dynamic, and responsive research basis in UK higher education over the whole academic spectrum. To do this, we base our policy and financing initiatives on data from the larger higher education provider (HEP) system.

We keep an eye on problems like buy university dissertation that impact the higher education industry to create and put into action strategies that, by rewarding excellence and improving output, promote greater efficacy, efficiency, and ongoing development.

The Research Excellence Framework

The UK uses the Research Excellence Framework (REF) to assess the calibre of research conducted by higher education providers (HEPs) in the country.

The REF's findings have an impact on how the approximately £2 billion in yearly public funding for university research is distributed.

The first iteration of the REF, which replaced the previous Research Assessment Exercise, was introduced in 2014. Research England is in charge of the REF on behalf of the four UK funding agencies for higher education.

Programme for Future Research Assessment

The UK's devolved government ministries and funding organisations requested the creation of the Future Research Assessment Programme.

Leading this important project will be the four UK funding organisations for higher education:

  • Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland Research England Scottish Funding Council Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

  • Its goal is to investigate potential methods for evaluating UK higher education research performance.

The initiative aims to comprehend what a robust, healthy research system looks like and how an assessment model may best serve as its cornerstone through discussions with the higher education industry of do my dissertation for me UK based.

Among the task strands are assessing the REF 2021, understanding global research assessment procedures, and extensively investigating possible evaluation models and methodologies. 

The objective is to identify individuals who can foster a good research culture, increase the focus on producing outstanding research and impact, and reduce the administrative load of the higher education sector while simultaneously promoting and enhancing the production of excellent research.

Many suggest shifting the emphasis from journal metrics to a more thorough and qualitative evaluation of the influence of research, including cooperation, data exchange, community engagement, and other factors into consideration.

The Future of Research Evaluation examines the most recent efforts, responses, and activities from various stakeholders as well as the existing configurations of research evaluation systems through a series of worldwide case studies.  This discussion paper aims to further the current conversation and tackle open-ended questions on the direction of research evaluation.


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